Wednesday, September 15, 2010

New Beginnings

I could start this blog by giving you a whole lot of definitions about what I am living with that's causing me all this pain. But I do think we can save that later like when I don't have anything else to talk about. I will however tell you a little bit about this blog. I will basically give you all a glimpse into my life as I deal with pain. That means when people ask me how I’m feeling and I just say fine, I won‘t do that here. I will tell you how my pain plays a part in my everyday life from dealing with my son to dating. What I would like to accomplish with this blog is to spread awareness for pain disorders and everything that goes along with them.

So let’s just jump right in….

My whole body has been hurting like hell this whole week not like your usual aches and pains either. I’m talking about can barely walk, can barely sleep, can barely function pain. Does that mean that I get to just lay in the bed or sit down and chill? Nope. I had to go to the doctor on Monday and that would have been kind of ok if I didn’t forget to call for my ride and had no choice but to catch the bus. Did I mention that my doctor is on the Westside and I live on the Southside. How did I forget something like that because my memory is fried by this disorder. Really my mind is slowly ebbing away. Well not so slowly but more about that later. Then I had to take me and my demon possessed hip home in time to meet my cousin so that I could babysit her son while she took care of some business. Oh my niece came over and I had the famous batman and robin (my son and his brother from another mother). So if you have been keeping up that is 3 children plus my own makes 4. Let me add to this mix the fact that I had not went to sleep the night before. Why? Well on top of everything else going on I am a horrible insomniac. I love kids but you and I both know that they were busy and they are all different ages so they all want to do different things at the same time. I was already hurting and you can’t take a percoet while you are trying to keep a 9 month old from falling off a bed.

Needless to say that was a rough day but I have days like that. The pain is getting worst not better. I am already 27 and walking with a cane. I’m not writing this blog to complain. I just want people to understand. I’m not the only person suffering with Fibromyalgia and other pain disorders. People think that we are faking or overreacting to things that everyone feels or goes through. Well, I hope that though this journey that we are about to go on you can learn more about me and the millions like me.

Will you listen?


  1. so sorry that's your experience. thank you for the courage to share.

  2. I'm listening and pryaing for you baby girl!
