Wednesday, September 21, 2011


I have noticed that I have stopped watching the news and I'm a little out of the loop. It really is a shame but i can't watch or read the things that I used to because it scares me I know that God doesn't give us a spirit of fear and I am working on it. However when I hear about something or see something going wrong in the world or shoot it could be on the moon I tend to take it all on put it on my back. I want to help everyone in the universe that needs help. I cry all of the time when I see people or animals being mistreated or in a bad place. There is so much stuff going on in my life with my life that I am crying on my own I do not need extra. Does that make me a bad person because I believe I am just tried and need a break. I have been taking on people’s pain since I was a little kid. Always worrying about what is going on with this and that.

Please comment and let me know how you feel

A black woman living in pain

1 comment:

  1. That doesn't make you a bad person at all. I've known a lot of people who have gone through periods (and sometimes decades) of not watching the news. It IS upsetting. And not wanting get caught up in it is normally, especially when you have so much going on in your own life.
