Thursday, September 23, 2010

ER Visit 9-23-10

Ok here it is 4:12 in the am and I am in the ER waiting room writing my blog entry. Hopefully I will be getting picked up soon by my Bro-in- Law. By the way I love him. Good looking out Bro-In-Law! I have been here since 3 in the afternoon. When I got here they told me that I had four people ahead of me. Then after they called ten people they told me that I was next. So at 7:30pm I was called to the back. After being stuck 8 times they finally got an IV started. Damn my small, non-existing veins! After that painful ordeal and three Tylenols they sent me to get a cat scan of my head …

Let me take the time to tell you all what has been going on with me that brought me to the ER in the 1st place. Friday I woke up with this killer migraine and after handling some business at my son’s school the day went from bad to worst. Before I could leave the school he was rushed to the hospital. After being there all day and night my migraine got worst and worst. I took Tylenol, and Tylenol PM but a last nothing happen. The next day I took Percocet and that didn’t do anything either. Something else also started happening the second day, food started coming out of both ways. Not a pretty sight let me tell you. So every since then I have been sick. Tuesday I got really hot I mean sweating buckets in air-conditioning hot and I had been downing liquids like I hadn’t drunk anything in my life. Then on top of everything else I started getting super dizzy. I called my doctor’s nurse and she told me to go straight to the ER. So I did.

After coming back from the cat scan being hooked back up to the IV I was given more pain meds which actually helped. The meds knocked me out for about two hours. They woke me up to let me know that my INR was low but my Cat scan was ok. Then yet another doctor came in to tell me that I would be getting a MRI be make sure that I don’t have a blood clot in my brain. While I was waiting I fell back to sleep only to get awaken by the nurse given me shots and telling me that I had to go. What happen to the MRI? What if I have a blood clot? I guess I will never know. They release me at three something gave me some pain pills and that was that. They didn’t even tell me a diagnosis. I actually thought I was feeling better until I woke up and 11:21am with that damn Migraine again. I’m still nauseas , hot, and now I’m sneezing(although that could be because I’m in the fans because I’m so hot!) That’s the way it goes with me spend two days in the ER and it they still don’t know anything.
So I tried calling the ER this afternoon to get my INR since they didn’t tell me what it was and I was to drugged up to remember that was something that I needed to know. Of course I couldn’t get in touch with anyone but the second time was the charm is 1.3. Oh that’s right you all probably don’t know about the whole INR thing. Well in addition to having Fibromyalgia I also have Lupus anticoagulant disorder it is a disorder that causes clotting of the blood. I have had three pulmonary embolisms because of it. Your INR is how quickly or slowly your blood clots. The lower it is the more it will clot the higher it is the thinner it is. My goal is to have my INR between 2.0 and 3.0. so 1.3 is pretty low.

Now I’m waiting to hear back from my doctor’s nurse so that I can tell her all about my experience at the ER. Oh wait she’s calling… She says that’s crazy that they did me like that at the hospital she wants me to come in to the doctor tomorrow to get my INR taking again and then on Saturday to see the doctor. So let’s see what this makes my schedule look like… Friday I have to go get my INR taken in the morning have my son at his doctors’ appointment by 12:30pm back at my house by 3:30pm to get my C-Pap. Then back to my doctor which is by the way across town on Saturday morning at 11:40.
Well I have to get to doing some other things. Chat with you all later. Oh and please comment.

A black Woman Living in Pain

1 comment:

  1. Well damn!! So you didn't ask why the ER didn't give you the MRI,they claimed they were? What ER did you go to? What Doctor? I know you have your doctor, but i can tell you from experience Rush is the best!!! Do recall I almost lost my mom? They saved her! by diagnosing her! Something Holy Cross couldn't doafter about 3 visits and 3 stays...
